Monitoring and evaluation of threatens ecosystems and wild life.
Phylogeographic of Mesoamerican and north of the South American spotted cats (under way)
Through the cooperation of the Sierra to Sea Institute, ProCAT Colombia, CES university and the catholic of Rio university we pretend to make a taxonomic evaluation of the small felines species in its distribution range with the purpose of strengthen the actions for its conservation and also, generate knowledge about its ecology and its basic biology. Currently, those species show one of the biggest information empties within wild felines. This project is realized due to the access permission to genetic resources awarded to ProCAT Colombia by the Environment and sustainably development ministry.
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Ecology and Conservation of endangered amphibians of the Talamanca Mountain Range, Costa Rica. (Under way)
The sierra to sea institute continues with the monitoring efforts and the amphibians’ study with risk of extinction. The first phase of the project consists of assure an available habitat to the Harlequin frog (Atelopus various) in the south of Costa Rica and make a monitoring in other areas of the Talamanca mountain range with the purpose of find new populations of this specie. Besides of the extensive research and protection of the habitat of the Harlequin frog, the sierra to sea make studies about the quitridio fungi which threatens the survival of the amphibians in tropical zones. Finally, The Sierra to Sea institute is preparing and camp guide of the present amphibians in the Parque Nacional La Amistad.
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Ecologic resilience in biogeographic islands: methods and strategies to conserve small populations (Under Way)
The sierra to sea Institute is developing a study program of risk of extinction species with the objective of create conservation strategies to small populations of species. Through the red lists of the UICN and some endemic species of United States, Costa Rica and Colombia, The Sierra to Sea Institute and ProCat Colombia expect to make connectivity plans to big scale for maintaining those species that are in risk of extinction.
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Conservation plan of Caribbean Colombian felines (Under way)
One of the main projects that has been making ProCAT Colombia is the conservation plan of Caribbean Colombian felines, this project has been presented as a regional conservation strategy which works with the hand of some entities of the region, entities as autonomous corporations, academic centers and non-governmental. The plan has been structured in society with the International Conservation, The Fundación Herencia Caribe, ProCAT Colombia and The Sierra to Sea Institute. This initiative has as objective structure, articulate and implement a planning strategy to regional scale with interinstitutional character using felines and its preys as a key specie. This is a compilation of the information recollected during the last 5 years of the working plan and its purpose is shows its theorical bases to keep developing this type of processes in the Caribbean region of Colombia using felines as a key conservation species.
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Evaluation of the cultural and the economic roles of the Chelonodis Carbonaria, Podocnemis Lewyana, Mesoclemmys Dahli and Trachemys Callirostris and education to the communities about their conservation. (finished)
Through the development of information notebooks with basic information about four turtles’ species, we make visits to rural educative institutions in the Cienaga of Zapatoza, Cesar department. The developed notebook was socialized with basic primary and secondary educational courses with the purpose of get the mayor quantity of information about the turtle’s species and also generating a conscientization about the conservation of the terrestrial turtles relates with the swamp. ProCAT Colombia and The Sierra to Sea Institute contribute to the environmental education of the rural communities with the purpose to generate an environmental aware and conservation from the communities to the biodiversity that rounds them. This project was financed by Turtle Survival Alliance.
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Analysis of priority conservation scenarios applicated in the land use planning: Implications for Caribbean Colombian protected areas. (Under way)
Which environmental determinants are used for the construction of priority scenarios of conservation and management? Can they protect the natural coverture major proportion and reduce the fragmentation and the isolation of the protected areas in the Caribbean region of Colombia? which priority conservation scenario has the most implementation viability in the Caribbean area, considering variables like the economic support schemes, the pression tendency and the conservation and connectivity requirements in the protected areas of the Caribbean region of Colombia? These questions are the engine of this research which expect to use diverse methodologies to identify which environmental determinants are key to be included in the land use planning process and the management to the surrounding zones of the protected areas, looking for the protection of the current natural ecosystems, assuring the best alternative to increment the functional connectivity and reduce the fragmentation processes in the region. This project is been developed by ProCat Colombia and the sierra to sea institute with the cooperation of some entities which work for the conservation of the Caribbean region. This project looks not only for the construction of land use planning answers but also for the recompilation and the organization of base information which allows enlarge the knowledge state of key species for the region.
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Monitoring and creating tools for the management of protected areas. (Under way)
With the purpose to create tools which allows the national natural parks in Colombia and Costa Rica maximize conserving and monitoring efforts of the biodiversity it has, ProCat Colombia foundation and The Sierra to Sea institute are making constantly monitoring of bioindicators groups and endangered species into the protected areas, generating monitoring plans which allows the functionaries to evaluate the conservation state. Through this cooperation work we pretend register the changes in the population’s time of species that has been affected for the habitats’ fragmentation. Currently, we are counseling the Dirección Territorial Caribe de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia with the purpose to create community monitoring tools and technique of the biodiversity.
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Monitoring and creating capacities for the protection and management of the Tayrona national natural park: Mammals’ focus as a planning tool (Finished)
This project was made in cooperation with National Natural Parks of Colombia and with the financial support of USAID, Patrimonio Nacional and the Landscapes conservation program. The objective of this project was making an approximation to the knowledge about the distribution, abundance and habitat’s use of the mammals’ species in the Tayrona National Natural Park. Through of the participative implementation of monitoring plans of fauna and perceptions of the local populators and the pertinence of this species as conservation objects of the protected area. As one of the principal products it has been generated monitoring protocols for medium and big flight mammals, as indicator groups of the conservation state of the park ecosystem and thus standardize the data recollection into the protected area projects and reinforce the investigation line into the same area.
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connectivity processes evaluation to landscape scale in the Sucre department: Regional Planning to the conservation of fragmented ecosystems. (finished)
This project had been developed through the cooperation work between the Corporación Autónoma Regional de Sucre and ProCAT Colombia, there were evaluated three areas selected as priority conservation areas in the department. Through the big and medium flight mammals’ and birds it was proposed to identify and to evaluate the areas with major conservation potential to biologic and ecologic level. With the development of this project, there were determined the areas with major importance to the creation of biologic connectivity corridors with the objective of reestablish the ecologic characteristics of the forests into the department and procuring the increase of the goods and services that those gives to the rural communities.
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Technique assistance for declaring a conservation mosaic in the Serrania San Lucas. (finished)
Through the Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) and the technique support that ProCAT Colombia provides to Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia, it was achieving the declaration route to the creation of a protected area in the Serranía of San Lucas in the Bolivar department of Colombia. To achieve our objective, there were consulted different information ways, and there were made 11 visits to near towns into the interest areas of the Antioquia and Bolivar department. Through cartographic analysis, biologic expeditions and social data collection it was constructed a zone of 367.000 mts which in the future will be a protected area and thus, safeguard one of the most important conservation areas of the Colombian biodiversity.
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Delimitation and fittings of the plan management in the Ramsar Estuarine system of the Magdalena’s river Cienega Grande de Santa Martha.
In cooperation with ProCAT Colombia, International Conservation and the Ministerio de Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo territorial it was made a complete analysis of the conservation state of the Cienaga Grande of Santa Martha with the purpose of looking for the solution of the problems derived of the lack of knowledge of the international recognition figure of important wetlands for the RAMSAR convention. With this project, it was constructed the management plan for the RAMSAR place. Delta estuarine system of the Magdalena’s river, Cienaga Grande of Santa Martha SDERM-CGSM, as an actualization of the current management plan. Furthermore, it was making a zoning and structuring the action plan with the collected information.
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Bogotá Biodiversa: Rescuing our wild side, empowering our nature. (under way)
Through the union of the scientific knowledge and the traditional knowledge, we want to rescue the ecologic, the cultural and then economic values of the biodiversity, specially the wild fauna in the urban and peri urban zones of the county’s capital. Through this initiative, we want to aware and sensitize the Bogota’s people about the biologic riches that still have the city and also, improve the live condition of the Bogota’s wild fauna.
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Diagnostic, evaluation and solution proposals to the problematic caused by Jaguar (Panthera onca) and Puma (Puma Concolor) in Colombia and Costa Rica (under way)
Big carnivores, specially felines are who accomplish important functions into the ecosystems but, despite its importance, the global and regional knowledge about its distribution and its populations’ estate is not enough; these species show conflicts related with farm and domestic animals’ predation, being this the expansion of the livestock boundary, the reduction of their habitat and the diminution of natural prays ones of the cause of this big problem. The magnitude of the problematic is not explored in its totality and the studies that evidenced the real impact of this conflicts to regional, national and global level. To the country, it seems to get important levels, being marked in good conservation state zones that has been transformed to be used as livestock exploitation areas.
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Evaluation of the conflicts between felines and livestock unities in the Cesar and Guajira departments. (Finished)
The transformation result of the natural areas and the production system into the Caribbean zone of Colombia has had as a consequence the increase of the big felines attacks (Puma and Jaguar), to the livestock unities. To conserve these species of the Caribbean zone of Colombia is vital importance generate prevention, mitigation and management of this problematic. ProCAT Colombia with the hand of different environmental authorities like (CORPOCESAR Y CORPOGUAJIRA), has been making evaluations with the purpose of find common factors and determinants of the attacks to the stock, identifying variables like the productive system type, tendency and management of the domestic animals, natural preys’ hunting and the loss of natural habitats which are the main factors that triggered the conflicts between big felines and livestock units.
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Education processes and environmental sensitization using the wild fauna as a diffusion tool. (Under way)
ProCAT Colombia foundation and The Sierra to Sea Institute has been developing educational work and environmental sensitization in different areas with rural communities. Those teaching exercises provide information about the state of the species populations or about the interactions that those species can have with the environment and the same communities. Those processes are being done through the exchange of traditional information and the different uses that the communities have been giving to those species. The educational strategies that we are being using are based in the approach to the communities through the educative institutions with the purpose to sensitize kids about the implications that carries on the wrong use of the wild flora and fauna. Currently, ProCAT Colombia and The Sierra to Sea institute have educational activities using the Costa Rican jaguars in the project “vigilante jaguar: protectors de la Amistad” in the national park La Amistad, Costa Rica and in Colombia through the “El Guardian Quelonio” Project Using the terrestrial tortoise as didactic tools in rural educative institutions in the Caribbean zone of Colombia.
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